How To Stop Hair Fall In Men | 6 Remedies to Grow Hair Faster Naturally
How To Stop Hair Fall In Men |
How To Stop Hair Fall In Men , 6 Remedies to grow hair faster naturally. so friends in this article we will discuss about Hair Thining And Hair fall among men. In this article, i will tell you 6 remedies which can you follow easily and if you follow these properly then your hair fall and hair thining will stop.
Before discussing about remedies, I want to tell you the cause due to hair fall and hair thining happens.
One of the Common cause you must have heard it " Male Pattern Baldness " which happens due to increased DHT.
" DHT is a harmone which performs many functions in the body but when it started produce in the increse quantity in the body it becomes bad for your hair. When your body started to convert testosterone into DHT in large quantity due to which your hair follicles shrink, and hair growth becomes weak. Slowly with time your hair follicles get blocked, and you hair growth stops. This is generally seens in adults and it also happens due to heredity.
Second Reason of Hair Fall is Overexposure to heat. a lots of people excessively use hair dryers, wander in sunny afternoon, or take a shower of too hot water. Due to this your hairs get dry and their structure got damaged.
Another reason of hair fall is Excessive Sweating. The salt in sweating freeze your scalp which block the spores of head. And sweat has lactic acid which reacts with your hair protien and it damages them. we are all use lots of shampoos and wrong products which have harmfull harmfull chemicals like - paraban, sulphate, alcohol etc. which damages your hair.
Besides this, there must be a few common reason of hair fall. which are like fungal infections, pollution, stress, and poor nutritions.
Lets now discuss about those 6 remedies. which you can follow to avoid your hair fall.
1. Onion and Fenugreek Juice -
first remedies is onion and fenugreek juice. for which you will take onion juice and add one spoon fenuugreek powder. and do massage in your scalp from this. Leave it for half an hour and later wash it from shampoo. Onion has Anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties and with this the fenugreek is the DHT blocker. that is why this mixture is important for your hair growth. you can use it three times a week.
2. Aloe Vera Gel Conditioner -
Second Remedies is aloe vera gel conditioner. For this, you will take fresh aloe vera gel and mix it with curd and put that mixture in your scalp properly and leave it 1 to 1 and half hour. Later wash it with shampoo.In this mixture, you will get Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B12 and folic acid. this mixture will make your hair strong as well as smooth. and you can use this remedy for 2-3 times a week for better reults.
3. DHT Blocker Mask - Third remedy is DHT blocker mask. For which, you mash one banana and add two spoon olive oil, one spoon onion juice, and lemon juice and mix it well and do massaging on your scalp for 5 minutes and leave it for 20 minutes. then wash it from shampoo. You must do it once a week. By using this mask your hair follicle remain healthy and your hair growth will get improve.
4. Coconut Oil -
Fourth Remedy is very simple for which you only need coconut milk. In which there are naturally fatty acid, which are good for your scalp and hair moisture. boil the coconut milk and massage in your scalp for 10 minutes and put coconut oil above your hair properly.Then leave it for 1 hour. after which, wash it from shampoo. and your hair will stop falling. You must do it once in a week.
5. Green Tea - Fifth remedy is green tea but you dont have to drink it. Put 2-3 bags of green tea on boil water for 15 minutes and get the water gets cool. Then, after doing shampoo put that water in your scalp and do massaging for 2-3 minutes and wash it from normal water. Green tea has catechol which decreas your DHT. It also has polyphenol which makes your hair root strong and you can do it 2 times in a week.
6. Hair Oil Massage - Sixth remedy which i am going to discuss is hair oil massage. Instead of using fancy flavoured oil, you should natural oil like mustard oil, coconut oil, olive oil etc. If you mix half lemon with the oil you are using then you will get lots of benefits. you only have to make sure that you using fingertips while massaging and do it slowly. you should not have to do oil massage daily. you can do it 1-2 times in a week. why i am telling you to lemon add because lemon has vitamin C which increases the production of your collagen due to which your hair growth gets better and your hair fall decreases.
In addtion to those remedies, you must make sure that whichever hair care product you buy must be chemical free and you also must make sure that the PH level of those products must be between 3.5 - 5.5
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